MLK Subject Predicate Poem & My Dream for a Better World

Filed under: Uncategorized — cbills at 3:26 pm on Monday, January 25, 2021

Preposition Poem-Finally Found My Dog

Filed under: Uncategorized — cbills at 3:23 pm on Friday, December 4, 2020

Who Made the Flag?

Filed under: Uncategorized — cbills at 4:03 pm on Wednesday, February 19, 2020

I think that betsy Ross made the first american flag because she owned a sewing shop. Also when general Washington wanted to have six pointed stars on the flag they changed it to a five pointed star because six pointed stars have to do with english royalty and they found the five pointed star in Samuel Wetherill’s safe. Another reason is her aunt sat behind General Washington during church so betsy and Washington already had a relationship.

Gift of Reading

Filed under: Uncategorized — cbills at 4:59 pm on Wednesday, January 22, 2020

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Filed under: Uncategorized — cbills at 3:31 pm on Tuesday, January 21, 2020

“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.” 


We should celebrate a day of service because MLK worked very hard so that we could have equal rights and also service was very important to him.

One thing I did was my friend spent the night over the weekend. While we were riding bikes we saw some trashe and decided to pick it up. Because service was important to MLK and that is a way me and my friend celebrate him.

Welcome Back

Filed under: Uncategorized — cbills at 5:28 pm on Wednesday, January 8, 2020

I was both on Christmas vacation. Because after school was out me and my dad packed up and went to colorodo for Christmas. while i was there School was out of mind. Then when i got home i was bored and i was ready to come back.

Filed under: Uncategorized — cbills at 3:10 pm on Friday, November 15, 2019

This Is Sand Drawing

Filed under: Uncategorized — cbills at 4:21 pm on Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Jamestown Or Plymouth?

Filed under: Uncategorized — cbills at 3:14 pm on Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Would you rather live in Jamestown or Plymouth? I would rather live in Plymouth because Plymouth had a better relationship with the Native Americans. They also began with men, woman, and children Jamestown only had men. Also Plymouth only had difficulties during the first winter they were there Jamestown and difficulties during the early years. Plymouth was named for a part of England ,and Jamestown was named after King James. I think I would rather live in colony named after a country not just one person. Plymouth grew in size on the other hand in Jamestown Tobacco made the colony prosperous. If lived in Plymouth you would have more help. In jamestown you would have more work because the colony didn’t have as much people as Plymouth. Also Plymouth came for freedom to worship and business venture. Jamestown only came to make a profit.


Filed under: Uncategorized — cbills at 3:12 pm on Thursday, September 26, 2019

On september, 11 2011 terrorist came into the US. They got on a plain and hijacked it. The terrorist took over the plane and crashed it into the first twin tower. People in New York and all over the US thought it was just an accident. About an hour later another plane crashed into the second twin tower after that people in New York and people all over the US new that the US was under attack. While this was happening the president at the time was reading to a class in Florida. One of his workers told him what was going on so got on a jet. They didn’t think it was safe to go to the white house so they took the president to a bunker. About another hour later another plane crashed into the Pentagon. about another hour later a some people got on flight 93 little did they know there was a hijacker on the plane. He took over the plane and was headed for the white house, but a passenger  on the plane said ‘we may all die ,but we are not going to let this plane crash into another building’. he was famous for this quote ‘lets roll’ he said ‘when i say lets roll grab that coffee and splash it in the terrorist face. Turns they got in control of the plane and crashed  in a field in Pennsylvania ,but sadly there were no survivors.

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