Jamestown Or Plymouth?

Filed under: Uncategorized — cbills at 3:14 pm on Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Would you rather live in Jamestown or Plymouth? I would rather live in Plymouth because Plymouth had a better relationship with the Native Americans. They also began with men, woman, and children Jamestown only had men. Also Plymouth only had difficulties during the first winter they were there Jamestown and difficulties during the early years. Plymouth was named for a part of England ,and Jamestown was named after King James. I think I would rather live in colony named after a country not just one person. Plymouth grew in size on the other hand in Jamestown Tobacco made the colony prosperous. If lived in Plymouth you would have more help. In jamestown you would have more work because the colony didn’t have as much people as Plymouth. Also Plymouth came for freedom to worship and business venture. Jamestown only came to make a profit.

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